Final Project (Fall 2023)
At the end of the semester, you will submit your project. Your project submission should be a cataloged .zip file with the work you completed during the semester. Include in root of your .zip file a Catalog.pdf file that describes the contents of the archive. If you need to host some material online, you may; include links to that material in the Catalog.pdf file.
The contents of the archive will vary based on the nature of your project.
- If you chose the development track, you should submit the code for the tool. If the tool is runnable locally, you should include the executable. If your tool runs on a server, you should include a link to a working version of the tool, along with a script for testing the tool out. You should also submit any design documents, documentation, or anything else proposed in your project proposal.
- If you chose the research track, you should submit all the materials used to conduct the research: consent forms, interview scripts, surveys, etc. You should also submit the data itself that was gathered, as well as the results of any analysis and any research design documentation you assembled to prepare for the work.
- If you chose the content track, you should submit all the materials developed for the content, including scripts, lesson plans, images, outlines, etc. in addition to the final content. If your content lives on the internet, you can feel free to submit a link to the portion available online instead of also uploading it to Canvas.
If you have any doubt about what you should include in your submission, talk to your mentor before submitting.
Submission Instructions
Assignments should be submitted to the corresponding assignment submission page in Canvas. For this assignment, you should submit a single ZIP file. This submission will not be ported to peer review; the only people with access will be the instructional team, so you may include raw data, original code, etc.
If you are working on your project on a team, only one person needs to submit each assignment. Make sure to coordinate who is submitting each, however.
Late work is not accepted without advanced agreement except in cases of medical or family emergencies. In the case of such an emergency, please contact the Dean of Students.
Grading Information
As with all assignments in this class, this assignment will be graded on an 11-point scale (0 to 10), in accordance with the grading policy outlined in the syllabus. Final projects are not eligible for resubmission.