Getting Started with Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Topic Overview
Interview with: David Joyner
Interview on intelligent tutoring systems with David Joyner, then-Course Developer at Udacity.
Scholarly Resources
For a little more information on the value, applicability, generalizability, and difficulties in the design of controlled experiment, see the following:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: New Challenges and Directions, by Cristina Conati of the University of British Columbia
- Intelligent Tutoring Goes To School in the Big City, by Kenneth Koedinger, John Anderson, William Hadley, and Mary Mark of Carnegie Mellon University
- Cognitive Tutors: Lessons Learned, by John Anderson, Albert Corbett, Kenneth Koedinger, and Ray Pelletier of Carnegie Mellon University
- The Behavior of Tutoring Systems, by Kurt VanLehn of the University of Pittsburgh
- An Overview of Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools: Updated Analysis of the State of the Art, by Tom Murray
- An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer-based Cognitive Tutor, by Vincent Aleven and Kenneth Koedinger
- Beyond intelligent tutoring systems: Using computers as METAcognitive tools to enhance learning?, by Roger Azevedo
- Designing for Metacognition – Applying Cognitive Tutor Principles to the Tutoring of Help Seeking, by Ido Roll, Vincent Aleven, Bruce McLaren, and Kenneth Koedinger of Carnegie Mellon University
- Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent Tutoring, by John Anderson, Franklin Boyle, Albert Corbett, and Matthew Lewis of Carnegie Mellon University
- Adaptive Hypermedia: From Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Web-Based Education, by Peter Brusilovsky of Carnegie Mellon University
- Classroom Integration of Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Algebra and Geometry, by Steven Ritter, William Hadley, and Marsha Lilly of Carnegie Learning, and Kenneth Koedinger and Albert Corbett of Carnegie Mellon University
- New Potentials for Data-Driven Intelligent Tutoring System Development and Optimization, by Kenneth R. Koedinger, Emma Brunskill, Ryan Baker, Elizabeth McLaughlin, and John Stamper
- Intelligent Tutoring and Games (ITaG), by Danielle McNamara, G. Tanner Jackson, and Arthur Graesser from the University of Memphis
- Improving Inquiry-Driven Modeling in Science Education through Interaction with Intelligent Tutoring Agents, by David Joyner and Ashok Goel of Georgia Tech
General Media
These sources would generally not be suitable for use in your assignments, but they may provide a useful general overview of the topic if you find yourself struggling with the more scholarly resources.
- 7 Things You Should Know About Intelligent Tutoring Systems, by Ken Koedinger of Carnegie Mellon University and Michael Tanner of the APLU
- What is an Intelligent Tutoring System?, by Reva Freedman of Northern Illinois University
- Notes on the Components for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, by Ladislav Samuelis from the Technical University of Kosice
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: The What and the How, by Jim Ong and Soymya Ramachandran of Stottler Henke
- Intelligent tutoring system, from the EduTech Wiki
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Historic Review in the Context of the Development of Artificial Intelligence and Educational Psychology, by Mark Urban-Lurain of Michigan State University
- Intelligent Tutors: Past, Present and Future, by Beverly Park Woolf of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- Intelligent tutoring system, from Wikipedia
- Cognitive tutoring, from Wikipedia
- The Machines Are Taking Over, by Annie Murphy Paul of the New York Times Magazine
- Tutoring Software, AutoTutor, Responds to Student’s Emotions, by Janie Wood of PsychCentral
- Human remote control may spell end for teachers, by Mike Steere of CNN
- Professor finds Web-based tutoring system improves students’ reading, by Bonnie Meyer and Kevin Sliman of Penn State University
- Some “next big things” in teaching technology never quite were, by Anne Bromley of
- Will Computers Ever Replace Teachers?, by Justin Reich in the New Yorker
For more comprehensive information, please see the following book:
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems: An Overview, by Gigliola Paviotti, Pier Guiseppe Rossi, and Denes Zarka