Getting Started with Online Education Research

Topic Overview

Interview with: Sebastian Thrun

Interview on online learning with Sebastian Thrun, Founder of Udacity and Professor at Stanford University.

Interview with: Lauren Castellano

Interview on creating online content with Lauren Castellano, Course Developer at Udacity.

Interview with: Courtney Drake

Interview on online learning with Courtney Drake, Product Manager at Udacity.

Interview with: Tairi Delgado

Interview on online learning with Tairi Delgado, Course Manager at Udacity.

Scholarly Resources

These are scholarly resources useful for starting a deep dive into the topic. You’re welcome to use some of these in your assignments, although everyone will need to find many resources far beyond those listed on this web site.

For much more, please see the following books, available free online in part or whole:


General Media

These sources would generally not be suitable for use in your assignments, but they may provide a useful general overview of the topic if you find yourself struggling with the more scholarly resources.