Getting Started with Social Learning
Topic Overview
Interview with: Courtney Drake
Interview on online learning with Courtney Drake, Product Manager at Udacity.
Scholarly Resources
For a little more information on the value, applicability, generalizability, and difficulties in the design of controlled experiment, see the following:
- Social Learning Theory, by Albert Bandura of Stanford University
- Growing Primacy of Human Agency in Adaptation and Change in the Electronic Era, by Albert Bandura of Stanford University
- Social software and participatory learning: Pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the Web 2.0 era, by Catherine McLoughlin of Australian Catholic University and Mark Lee of Charles Sturt University
- Identifying the pitfalls for social interaction in computer-supported collaborative learning environments: a review of the research, by Karel Kreijns, Paul Kirschner, and Wim Jochems of the Open University of the Netherlands
- Social Learning Theory in Second Life, by Michele Smith of the Finishing Trades Institute and Zane Berge of the University of Maryland
- Examing social presence in online courses in relation to students’ perceived learning and satisfaction, by Jennifer Richardson of Purdue University and Karen Swan of Kent State University
General Media
These sources would generally not be suitable for use in your assignments, but they may provide a useful general overview of the topic if you find yourself struggling with the more scholarly resources.
- Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (Video), by Malcolm Watson of Brandeis University
- Social Learning: An Introduction to Mechanisms, Methods, and Models (Chapter 1), by William Hoppitt and Kevin Laland
- Social Learning: An Introduction, by Melissa Venable of Online College
- Social Learning Theory, by Sarah Mae Sincero of Explorable
- Bandura – Social Learning Theory, by Saul McLeod of SimplyPsychology
- Social learning theory, from Wikipedia
- Social media tools and systems for learning, by Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
- Social Learning strategies, by Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
- Kindergartener’s Social Learning Has ‘Significant’ Correlation To Future Life Success, Study Reveals, by Jenny Amante of iSchoolGuide
- What is Social Learning? (Video), from Fuse Universal
- Social Learning Company Koofers Raises $5 Million From Revolution, Others, by Robin Wauters of TechCrunch
- Grockit Ditches Test Prep for Social Learning, from Tony Wan of EdSurge
- New research explores social learning and collaboration in online courses, from University of California-Berkley News
- Social learning platform Declara raises $16M, by Steven Loeb of VatorNews
- Stanford Teams Up With Piazza, Apple To Bring Social Features To Its iTunes U iOS Development Class, by Frederic Lardinois of TechCrunch